70 Cute Pretty Girl Captions for Instagram

Hi my beautiful ladies and handsome boys, Are you looking for Pretty Girl Captions? I’ve found and collected some of the best Pretty Girl Captions online. You can use them any time like when you are bored or want to change your status on Instagram.


Gorgeous captions for girls photos. Please check the pretty girl captions by searching “Beautiful captions” on our website. We will provide the best captions for any kind of beautiful pictures without you looking on other websites.


Pretty Girl Captions


1. So much goes into being a woman: the love, the laughter, the personal style, the friendships, and oh, those shoes. You’re pretty great! (Pictured: Pretty Girls Salon Caption)

2. Smile pretty girl and let the whole world shine back at you.

3. Every girl deserves flowers and cute clothes at least once a week.. so this is my gift for you ✨

4. The prettiest thing about me is you. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there—we hope you have a beautiful day.

5. Love how the sun makes these palm trees look so tropical 🌴☀ #beachvibes

6. Combined, they’re a pretty girl Caption, adding captions that describe what beauty means to people

7. Being a girl is having your light shine so bright that someone might look at it and smile… @nicola_nail

8. Hey, I just met you. And this is crazy. But here’s my phone number. So call me maybe? <3

9. Ladies, today is the day to appreciate and really just look at ourselves in the mirror. We are our own worst critics and this world wants to make us feel inadequate for one reason or another. Today let’s all stop and bask in

10. Turn on your smile to brighten everyone’s day.

11. Cute faces, you might find them in the most unexpected places 😍 #xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12. Cupcakes, pretty girls…what’s not to love.

13. Oh hey there, have we met? I’m Caroline, Marketing & Events at PrettyGirlProblems.com

14. If you’re reading this, you too are so beautiful and so important. You’re magic ✨💫

15. Let me take a selfie and post it on my Instagram because I am feeling really pretty today. 😊

16. This is not my normal pouty face. I just had a breakfast taco 🌮 😎

17. Summer days are made for being outside. 🌳☀️

18. Hello, pretty girls! We’ve been working hard to whip up the prettiest fall nail looks, and we’re so excited to share them with you. 😍😎

19. The eye is the mirror of the soul. Confident, beautiful girls know they are beautiful inside and out.

20. Girls just want to have fun!

21. Pink is definitely my favourite colour. I wear pink blushes, lipsticks, nail polish… you name it! 😻 #xxxxxx

22. There’s nothing more gorgeous than the natural beauty of a woman.

23. A smile as radiant as your heart, a beauty to light up the darkest corners. Good morning, beautiful.

24. She’s not your average girl… -Zoey Deutch, Flower 🌹

25. Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl! ❤︎

26. I’m the girl that just slides past you in the halls but whenever I catch you looking, I make it a mission to stop 🤔 #xxxxxxxx

27. There are so many things prettier than you can imagine.  #xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28. “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him if he wants to dance.” -Unknown

29. L🌸.W🌼D.S🌈N🌠Y. That beautiful moment when the sun kisses your skin and you’re with a beautiful girl 🌷… @cbotardelle

30. Hey beautiful, are you and your family is taken care of? Beautiful girl caption

31. Hello, pretty girl. Beautiful Girl Quotes, Cute Girl Quotes

32. Life is beautiful as you! You are my inspiration and my motivation to be a better person 💖 #prettygirl #cutegirl #beautifulgirl

33. It’s not what you do. It’s how you do it.#xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

34. Here’s to being one of the girls. #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

35. It’s a beautiful Aesthetic 🌸

36. Strong is the new pretty.

37. Here’s to the girl who knows how to make it look good, even when she’s in sweatpants. 💘

38. Love yourself. You are beautiful inside and out!

39. These are just a few of our faves! Photo by @billiejean.

40. A beautiful girl with an attitude attracts attention from the most popular guy in school and the school’s biggest loser. Who will she choose?

41. Being a girl is tough! only girls will understand😂

42. You’re so beautiful you make my heart hurt. – Connor Franta

43. If you’re a girl, and you see this cute girl on Instagram, do you want to meet her? Or do you just need more captions for pretty girls on Instagram?

44. 💭🍂Hello, my name is 👈Pretty Girl!! 🍂💭

45. ✨✨Gorgeous girls make pretty hashtags. Just sayin’. 😍

46. “You’re the pretty girl. People notice you as soon as you walk into the room💕

47. Some days you just feel like the most beautiful girl in the world 💕

48. Seems like this girl gets everything she wants. Lucky her! 👐👗

49. ♡ You are so beautiful & I hope the world makes you realize it every day. ♡♥️💏 #xxxxxxxxx

50. I feel pretty, Oh So Pretty 🌹 Personally, I ❤️ summer but this pretty little number is making me get a head start on my fall wardrobe.


Pretty Girl Captions


51. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful. Today, tell someone you think they’re beautiful❣️

52. Beach Day ☀️ ⛱ #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

53. I was never one of those people who wanted to be pretty because I never thought I was. Pretty comes from within. ― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

54. “I wanted to capture her as she is, isn’t she pretty?”

55. Just when I didn’t think you could get more beautiful, you find the most adorable cafe in Paris and become a living postcard. #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #xxxxxxxx #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx #xxxxxx

56. “It is better to be pretty than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly.” –Katharine Hepburn #PrettyGirlCaptions

57. The best way to be more productive is to do what you’re supposed to do when you’re supposed to do it. 😁 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

58. I’m not gorgeous but I’m beautiful 🌹

59. You’re as sweet as sugar and as pretty as a flower 🍬

60. The first thing that girls notice in a guy is his eyes, so if you don’t have nice eyes at least try to have nice teeth.

61. There are lots of ways to be beautiful… Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

62. I was a face in the crowd UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG. you gave me butterflies 🦋

63. Beauty feeds the soul.

64. “It’s not hard to find someone pretty… But it’s hard to find someone beautiful, who’s funny and makes me feel good about myself.” – Anonymous

65. Girl, you’re beautiful. Literally. There are scientific reasons for it! Check out the article here which explains why: 💁🏽‍♀️

66. A rose is a rose… but a beautiful girl is pretty in pink. “How gorgeous is my girl?” Asked no one ever.

68. Look at these two little beauties! I’m a lucky man indeed ❤😍 #xxxxxxxxxxx

69. So cute you could eat her ☺️ #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

70. 💁🏽 “I like her because she’s good, smart and pretty. And that’s hard to find at the same time.” ― Steve #xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

71. There’s a lot of things in life that are difficult to say, and you don’t have to say it, but expressing yourself makes you happy. So, whatever makes you happy. Beauty is not always about what your look is like. It’s

72. He loves her, he loves her not. He loves her..! 🌸😍#xxxxxxxx

73. You are beautiful, just the way you are.

74. Yes, you are beautiful. Do not let the world tell you otherwise.

75. A queen amongst queens 💓 #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

76. So many cute girls 💗😘

77. It’s the perfect weather for going out in cute photoshoots, taking long walks and wearing knee-high socks 🖤 cozies.

78. Smiling like crazy because I got to eat lunch with my friends at the mall. #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

79. Your fairytale is about to begin 🌹💕

80. Go out and get your glow on. Makeup artist: @exlibris_pt makeup: @leilaxoxo Hair: @johanedegroot, Photography: @nicolayart

81. I can’t pretend that I’ve held my tongue  #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

82. Life is better with a pretty girl by my side … Thank you for being that pretty girl @jasminefoxx

83. Cute girl photos are the best thing on earth. They brighten up our days and just remind us of how beautiful life can be at times.

84. Real pretty girls don’t make apologies. They rise above it and keep shining.

85. She has a smile that could light up a city and those big eyes which can she me to her little world 😅

86. There is always going to be an excuse to look beautiful, so why not be cute all the time?

87. If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it xx 💍

88. A little bit of heaven in the palm of my hands 🌼

89. Life’s too short to be a stranger if you don’t have any followers. Follow me. ‼‼

90. My new special someone always makes my day brighter. 😌👑

91. With glowing pink cheeks, a sweet smile and my hazel eyes @taydotcom , you are Bella in every way. I love you beyond words ❤️ Celebrating this first year of marriage with our dear family and friends, I

92. Nothing beats the feeling of cute dresses on a sunny breezy afternoon ☀ #xxxxxxxx

93. There are so many beautiful women in this world but there’s always room for one more.

94. You are so beautiful. Like a flower that blooms in the most unexpected moments. ♥️

95. So natural, it’s inner beauty… ‍♀️ #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

96. She has a heart that’s pure and true. She will always be the prettiest girl in the room.

97. What a pretty picture.

98. There are a lot of beautiful girls. But you are the prettiest…

99. ✌🏼☀️😍You’re a beautiful girl, nobody can ever tell you differently.

100. Her smile lights up the room, but she’s more than just pretty. She’s a disco ball with charisma and pizzazz.

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